Anatomy of an SEO Audit Part 4 – The Sweet Spot

When performing an SEO audit, one of the most challenging issues comes when reviewing the competitive landscape.  Quite often it can seem overwhelming – competitors who have thousands, tens or even hundreds of thousands of pages already in place.  Sites with tens of thousands of inbound links, some coming from thousands of root domains. This is even more of a challenge for me lately, as I perform audits on sites with hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages.  The sheer mountain of content and links dominating the field can be discouraging, to say the least.  Yet there’s several ways to find success even in a sea of content and link depth.  I refer to it as the SEO Sweet Spot. ______________________________________________ A WORD ABOUT THIS SERIES Before I continue, if you’re new to my column, you may want to read my previous “Anatomy of an SEO Audit” articles – Part 1 , Part 2 , and Part 3 .  This series of articles is being presented to help those of you who are new to the audit process, just as much from a psychological experience as from an audit operational procedure perspective.  Because I’ve found the more I care about the psychology and the process, the more thorough I can be focusing on the areas needing attention for a particular goal, and the more successful the result becomes in my audit work

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Anatomy of an SEO Audit Part 4 – The Sweet Spot


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